Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Few Things You Should Know

If I get invested in something, I'm all in.
People, music, movies, books, ideas, whatever.
It doesn't happen often, but probably more often than it should.

I care a lot.
But--and this is important--just because actually caring about people is so rare lately, it doesn't mean that I necessarily feel more, on the Caring-Richter Scale, than what is just basic human decency.

I don't do the whole apples with cheese thing. Or seafood. Or nutella.

I have a phobia of hurting people's feelings on accident.
Therefore, I'm usually really careful with what I say.
But, I have to admit; if I want to be mean, I can be mean.

I'm a total fruit snack addict.
And, yes, that includes Gummy Bears and Gushers.

One of my absolute favorite musicals is Wicked.
Which was, actually, the influence for this blog's url name.
But I'll leave it up to you to figure out to what it refers :)

Just so we're clear.

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I'm pretty sure I can count on one hand the number of times I've been to Idaho's capital. Counting occasions and not separate...